
নভেম্বর, ২০২২ থেকে পোস্টগুলি দেখানো হচ্ছে

Best Free VPN Services Are More Effective at Protecting You Against Online Threats Than an Antivirus

  Best VPN services in conjunction with Antivirus on their servers appear to have much better results in protection against known and unknown threats. As there is an additional layer of defense between the user and his computer, VPN makes it much more difficult for known threats to locate specific target machines. As some VPN services have firewalls at their servers, many threats are blocked there and since IP addresses are assigned, malware cannot specifically target known IP addresses. Further if a good VPN service also provides Antivirus as well as Firewall, the risk drops appreciably, particularly if the Antivirus utilized at the server is different than that at the users' machine as each Antivirus relies on different generic techniques for dealing with new threats. In this case, the risk of known viruses can drop to as low as 2.5% and unknown threats to between 10-20%, far better than the current 15% and 50% by using a standalone Antivirus program. Antivirus and protected data...

Are All VPN Services Created Equally?

  What is a VPN The concept of Virtual Private Networks, also known as VPNs has continued to drive modern business. And, with the technological expansion arises VPN services that are perfect for personal or individual use. However, the use of an organizational infrastructure that relies solely on the user's ability to access the system from remote locations has opened the proverbial flood-gates to uncensored Internet access that spans continents. There are security issues that must be considered, though, and because of the varying degrees found through VPN service providers, research should always be conducted before settling on the VPN service that will maintain your personal communications and protect sensitive information. Important Elements Exploring the VPN marketplace should be an extensive task, as individuals looking to utilize the technology will want to keep five key points in mind: speed, reliability, encryption, customer care, and of course cost. Any provider that lacks...